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Enterprise Backup & Recovery:
Uncompromising Data Security


Learn how BVB modernized its storage infrastructure with NetApp, Veeam & Quantum, enhanced ransomware protection, and ensured sustainable efficiency.

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Effective Backup & Recovery for Complex IT Infrastructures

As organizations deal with a continuous surge in data volume, the need for robust backup and recovery processes becomes increasingly crucial. Ensuring regular and reliable backups of critical data poses significant challenges, particularly in modern IT infrastructures that encompass diverse devices, platforms, and cloud services. Integrating backup and recovery solutions into these intricate environments often demands extensive customization and configuration.

Our Enterprise Backup & Recovery solutions offer an effective approach to safeguard critical data in modern IT infrastructures. These solutions are scalable and flexible, catering to both cloud and on-premise infrastructures.


Ensuring data protection and compliance can be highly demanding, especially with data stored in cloud services. Backup and recovery solutions must adhere to regulatory requirements, safeguarding data from unauthorized access and potential ransomware threats. The need for an effective enterprise backup & recovery solution has become evident.


Our Enterprise Backup & Recovery solutions handle large data volumes effortlessly, providing a comprehensive, flexible, and scalable approach. Efficient and reliable data backup and recovery are facilitated for both cloud infrastructures (backup to and from the cloud) and on-premise IT infrastructures. Our solutions include comprehensive monitoring and reporting, swiftly identifying and resolving issues.


Case: USM

Harmonizing Tradition and Technology: The NetApp-Backed IT Infrastructure of USM

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Case: GVB

Elevating Data Management for Optimal Operations - Enhancing Efficiency and Performance at GVB with Pure Storage Array

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