DataTalks: Insights for reliable data availability


Written by Martin Buck | Aug 9, 2023 5:19:20 PM



In the second part of our SASE blog series, we focus on an often overlooked but crucial aspect: the "Connection Point". We show how our on-premise solution revolutionises this point and frees companies from cloud dependency. Find out how we make SASE the new standard without the "E" and exploit the full range of potentials! (By the way, you can find Part 1 here).

One aspect that is often not sufficiently emphasised in the SASE solution, and which we at BNC paid particular attention to during the development of our own effective SASE implementation concept, is the need for a so-called "connection point". This point, whether in the form of software on the user's end device or hardware at the company site, plays a crucial role in establishing access to the cloud and thus ensuring the reliable functioning of the entire SASE service.

Why the connection point is often overlooked

It is remarkable that many SASE providers either keep quiet about this requirement or seem to downplay it as a marginal issue. But for us at BNC, the "Connection Point" is an essential part of our Secure Access Service Edge concept. We have specifically considered this point, especially when it comes to site connectivity in the form of a "box" at each company site. Our BNC SAS delivers this "box" as an important part of our service, which allows companies to move away from pure cloud dependency and gain more control over their security infrastructure.

Benefits of the BNC Secure Access Service

With our BNC Secure Access Service, we create a new perspective and meet modern challenges with modern solutions: We unite the various IT security disciplines under a centrally managed zero-trust policy and thus offer the following advantages as part of an integrated and globally available solution:

  • Defined solution for Branch Connectivity Device
    All required components for SASE can be obtained as a managed service from BNC.
  • Local Network Segmentation
    Separation of network segments can be provided performantly and without additional hardware for each site, e.g. to isolate IoT and OT devices.
  • Integration with BNC Network Managed Service
    Combining with BNC Secure Access Service can create efficiencies and ensure connectivity availability from WiFi to the data centre.
  • Lower costs through Managed Service instead of Cloud Service

Our service scales from small SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) sites without local infrastructure to large geo-redundant data centres with multi-IPS connections. Serverless offices and zero-infrastructure sites are thus explicitly supported and promoted. Cloud tenants can be integrated just as easily via software gateway.

The BNC Secure Access Service is typically set up, operated and maintained as a Managed Service by BNC. The technology can also be handed over to your IT team for independent operation on request. The offer is aimed at companies with 5 - 1,000 branches, set up nationally or internationally, who want to reduce complexity and maintenance costs and increase IT security.