BNC News

BNC at IT DAY 2023 in Zürich

Written by Géraldine Wymann | Oct 18, 2023 2:20:47 PM

BNC at IT DAY 2023 in Zürich: seeking It talent!  

exciting career opportunities at BNC

Our team traveled to Zurich last week to participate in IT Day 2023. The event, held at the SIX ConventionPoint, attracted a significant number of students, graduates, and young professionals from universities, including prestigious technical institutions such as ETH and EPFL.

We engaged in stimulating discussions and presented visitors with exciting career opportunities at BNC. Students and young IT professionals gained insights into our corporate culture, which is characterized by trust, responsibility, and initiative.

"With a degree in computer science or business informatics, you possess a highly sought-after profile in many companies, opening numerous doors for you. However, the alignment of the company with your values is also crucial. At BNC, we have cultivated an environment where each employee is unique, and their individual skills and competencies are deliberately nurtured. We encourage our team members to shoulder responsibilities and act as co-entrepreneurs," summarizes Isabelle Müller, HR Business Partner at BNC.

BNC utilized the IT Day to motivate those in search of a fulfilling IT career and to provide them with insights into the diverse opportunities available at BNC. We consider ourselves an ideal workplace for those aiming to channel their passion for technology into innovative solutions and advance their careers to higher levels.

You can find more information regarding career opportunities with us and current job openings here.