BNC News

Annual BNC Dinner 2024

Written by Géraldine Wymann | Jan 29, 2024 2:30:00 PM
A warm Evening of Celebration

25th Company Anniversary and Record-Breaking Turnout at the 20th Annual BNC Dinner at "NOA" Restaurant in Bern!

Great atmosphere, delectable cuisine, and 25 years of a successful corporate journey – The BNC Dinner 2024 was a resounding success!

On January 19, we had the pleasure of experiencing an evening filled with joy, camaraderie, and delicious food in the festive ambiance of NOA in Bern. This year's BNC Dinner became an extraordinary event as we not only celebrated this traditional gathering for the 20th consecutive year but also marked the proud 25th anniversary of our company.

Welcoming a total of 134 guests, including our valued employees and their partners, the NOA provided the perfect backdrop for this celebratory occasion. Together, we relished not only the culinary delights but also the warmth and joy that filled the air. A special highlight of the evening was the record-breaking attendance we achieved this year. The increasing enthusiasm for the BNC Dinner underscores how integral and beloved this tradition has become within our community. This record is also a testament to the continuous growth of our company, and we are grateful for the ongoing support and enthusiasm from our community.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this successful evening. Here's to the next 25 years filled with success, unity, and unforgettable moments!